Words Count is a simple tool to help you track time and score while playing Scrabble board game. It is good to know basic Scrabble rules to use this tool to its maximum potential.
How to use:
Simply tap "New Game" to start a new game. You are then prompted to enter player names which you can choose from a list of previous players or add new ones. Maximum of players allowed is four.
After selecting players and taping "Start", a timer starts counting (you can customize the time in settings) and your move begins (you will be notified if time runs low and pause the time if set in settings).
After finishing your move, tap "Done" and enter number of points you have gained this round. Confirming, a summary screen is displayed with your total points gained so far. When next player is ready tap "Continue" and next players round begins.
When you are done with your scrabble game, tap "End Game". Afterwards you are able to correct final score depending on tokens added to the board (+ score), or tokens left in your hand (- score).
All finished games are logged to statistics where you can find top game players, top average players or top round players.
In case you would like to edit players name, tap and hold his/her name while picking player to edit or delete. Beware, when deleting a player all his/her games will be erased too.
Enjoy the game!